Help in a crisis
If you feel distressed, and are contemplating serious self harm or feeling that there is nothing worth living for, there are people who can help you. Please …
- Talk to your GP
- Dial 999 or go to your nearest Accident and Emergency department (A&E)
- Get in touch with your local crisis home treatment team if you have one (for Stockport the phone number is 0161 419 4678)
- Find help and support online at:
If you don’t feel in immediate danger of ending your life but are frightened by the thought that you might, you could:
- Talk to someone you trust about how you’re feeling (research shows that talking helps)
- Read Mind’s information about coping with suicidal feelings, which has some tips and links that you might find useful.
If you’re finding it hard to find the words you might want to speak to someone who is trained to listen or watch videos of what might help:
- Mind infoline: 0300 123 3393 (weekdays 9am to 6pm) or email
- Time to Change:
- Samaritans: 08457 90 90 90 open 24 hours a day, or email
- HOPELineUK: 0800 068 41 41, email: or text: 07786 209697
- Saneline: 0845 767 8000 (everyday 6pm-11pm)
With thanks to Stockport and District Mind for information included above.